Mini Facelift

Some patients require only minimal surgery to obtain improvement of sagging jowls and cheeks. Patients with mild to moderate sagging are ideal candidates for a mini-facelift.

The mini-facelift provides the advantage of less extensive surgery and quicker healing times. Unlike the full facelift, this procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and involves a shorter incision and less stretching and pulling of the skin. The mini-facelift involves an excision of tissue in front of the ear, sometimes extending into the hairline and behind the ear.

Sutures are usually left in for 7 to 10 days. Patients may experience around one to two weeks of minor bruising and swelling.

Neck and jowl liposuction is a natural complement to this procedure and is often performed in conjunction.

Dr. Shim is a dermatologic surgeon, not a plastic surgeon. Due to her extensive experience with large skin cancer reconstructions, the mini-facelift is a natural extension of her skills and she is pleased to offer this to her patients.

Other procedures that patients may consider in addition to, or instead of the mini-facelift, include wrinkle fillers and the fractionated carbon dioxide laser (DOT laser). Please visit these pages on this website for further information